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Size system for extra long Girav shirts

3 lengths:

  • Long Fit (/LF): for tall men, 1.85m (6 ft) / 1.90m (6.2 ft) or taller.
  • Extra Long Fit (/XLF): for tall men, 2.00m (6.6 ft) and over.
  • Standard Long: for men of medium height (1.75 = 5.8 ft to 1.85m = 6 ft). Longer than your average T-shirt. Available on alle basic shirts.


The Girav size system allows you to buy long T-shirts that are tailor-made for your length and width.

Do you prefer wearing a more close-fitting long T-shirt? Then simply go for a size that’s one size smaller than you’d usually choose. The great thing about Girav T-shirts is that they’re always long enough!


How do I work out the right size for my Long Fit or Extra Long Fit T-shirts?

We have two simple methods for you:

  1. Measure your own T-shirts
    Measure the length and width of the T-shirt(s) in your closet and compare these to our lengths and widths in the table below. This gives you a pretty accurate estimate which size long T-shirt will best fit your body. When you click on a T-shirt model, the length and width sizes of the long shirt are shown on every product page. This way, you can keep track of your size throughout the ordering process. Don’t worry too much if you accidently order the wrong size. You can quite easily return it to us at no extra cost.
  2. Measure body size
    Measure your chest and waist and find out your perfect size tall T-shirt in the table below.  

Size table for measuring body sizes

1. Chest in cm: 90-95  96-101  102-107  108-113  114-120  121-128 
2. Waist in cm: 82-87 88-93 94-99 100-106 107-112 113-122
3. Standard Long Fit (/SLF) Length:  


72 74 76 76 -
4. Long Fit (/LF) Length: 80  80   80  82  82  84
5. EXTRA Long Fit (/XLF) Length: - 84 84 86 86 86


  1. Chest measurements
    Measure your chest under the arms, at the broadest part of your chest. Not too tight, allow for some breathing space.
  2. Waist measurements
    Measure your waist just above the hips, but below your stomach. Not too tight, allow for a bit of breathing space.
  3. Length of the shirts*
    These are the lengths at the back of the long T-shirts, measured from just below the collar to the bottom of the shirt. These measurements enable you to estimate the length of the long T-shirts and to compare these with, for instance, the T-shirt measurements of the ones you’re wearing at the moment.

* No rights can be derived from the above information. Minor differences may occur to our long T-shirt sizes during production or washing. Certain items, such as the polo shirts, differ slightly from the above with respect to length.